CEC 27




CEC D27 Members – 2021- 2023

Officer’s Term: July 2022- June 2023
Parent Member Term: 2021-2023

President – Ms. Lisa Johnson Cooper
1st Vice President – Ms. Beatrice Reid
2nd Vice-President – Dr. Cassy Thime
Recording Secretary – Ms. Rose Marie Gulston (Borough President Appointee)
Treasurer – Ms. Simab Aziz
Member – Mr. Faiuze Ali (Borough President Appointee)
Member - Vacant
Member – Ms. Jenniffer McAloney
Member – Vacant
Member – Vacant
Member – Vacant
Student Member – Vacant


Contact us:

82-01 Rockaway Blvd., Room 204, 
Ozone Park, NY 11416 Room 204

Telephone (718) 642-5805 
Email: Cec27@schools.nyc.gov
Administrative Assistant – Hazel Wellington



CEC27 Meetings




School Year 2022-2023

Welcome Parents, Staff, Students, and Educators. How can CEC27 help you this year? Connect with your CEC27Q School Liaison. You can find your Liaison on our website: CEC27.org.

Your D27 Community Education Council is excited to support you and your school community.

CEC 27Members serve as elected and appointed volunteer parent leaders who are liaisons and district representatives for your school. We care about student outcomes and opportunities for ALL our children. We will advocate for D27 schools and students to the best of our ability.

If you have any urgent items that need to be addressed, write to us at CEC27@schools.nyc.gov.

Throughout the school year we will make every effort to attend your SLT and PTA meetings to better understand your school, its achievements, your concerns, and our collective goals for the future.

You are welcome and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings. Our monthly Community meetings are held hybrid, every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 PM

District updates, minutes, liaison list are posted on our website as well: CDEC27.org

We are available and advocating for District 27 all year round. We want your feedback and hope you will be able to join us. Special Session, what workshops or topics would you like to discuss , please email us at CEC27@schools.nyc.gov.

We look forward to meeting you in the coming months and wishing you and your family a wonderful 2022-23 school year.



Lisa Johnson-Cooper

President CEC27